Spring calving season is rapidly approaching, and given the physical demands associated with cow pregnancy, you need to be fully prepared to deal with all the issues as and when they arise.

The most common issue associated with calving season is a difficult, obstructed or abnormal birth among cattle, which not only impacts your animal's health and welfare, but can also result in significant economic consequences as well.

Many of these problems are successfully managed by using the Moocall Calving Sensor.

Fans of Clarkson's Farm will be familiar with the Moocall - which skyrocketed in popularity when it was used to great effect in a situation involving a problematic calf delivery in Season 2 of the show.

So, if you're wondering how the Moocall works, Waterman's Country Supplies will explore the industry buzz around this cutting-edge calving device. From clever motion sensing technology to key advantages and accuracy, we'll help you make an informed decision before you go ahead and click 'Buy'.

What Is The Moocall Calving Sensor?

The Moocall is the perfect device for monitoring, tracking and responding to a calving cow's birthing contractions, helping to engender a successful cattle birth - particularly if you own an older cow that you need to monitor more closely. The incredibly precise sensors will detect key signs that contractions are occurring before triggering an alert that will be sent to your phone, email address or mobile app, allowing you to take action.

When in use, the Moocall can aid in reducing cow mortality, both on your very own farm and in the wider cattle farming industry.

How Does The Moocall Calving Sensor Work?

This tail-mounted motion sensor measures tail movement patterns that are indicative of birthing contractions while dismissing any false positives such as normal tail movement. Around 600 pieces of data are collected every single second before the algorithm makes an assessment on whether to trigger the first alert. If contractions continue, a second alert is sent - both of which come in the form of notifications which will appear as an SMS message, email or on your Moocall mobile app.

How Accurate Is A Moocall?

The Moocall aims to detect a mid-late labour shift, giving you around one hour to act. If you have older cows or are anticipating a fast or unpredictable labour, the Moocall may give you less time to act, so make sure you're prepared for any eventuality.

For labour complications such as obstruction, or if your cow abandons labour, you'll get much more warning, allowing you enough time to aid in a successful pregnancy.

What Are The Advantages Of Using A Moocall?


  1. Each sensor unit comes with a battery charger, regional adaptors and a user guide. Simply pull back the sensor's red lining, remove the waterproof charge cap and, using a flathead screwdriver, insert the USB cable provided, leaving it to charge overnight.
  2. Once the solid blue light turns to green, your Moocall is ready to use.
  3. Upon first charge you'll need to activate your sensor online by visiting the Moocall Device Registration Page. 
  4. After registering you can finish activation by downloading the Breed Manager app.
  5. Simply attach your Moocall to the tail of your calving cow, as directed in the instructions provided. Fit firmly but not tightly in place using the integrated strap.

Instant Calving Notifications

When calving is about to occur, the Moocall's light will turn red and you'll be sent a notification via SMS, email or the app. The message itself will let you know that 'cow activity' has increased along with identification information so you know which cow to attend to.

Easy To Reset & Clean

After a calving event, simply press and hold the power button to reset. Once reset you can then charge your Moocall if needed and attach it to the tail of your next cow, as and when required. The smooth, contoured design makes the sensor very easy to clean. Make sure you always wipe down and wash the Calving Sensor before attaching to another animal.

Post By Ed Mason
