Dairy Farming is almost certainly becoming one of the most lucrative yet extremely challenging industries that exist. From purchasing the cattle right up until you sell the milk, your cows are the key to your business so it is important that they are looked after correctly in order to obtain maximum profit and also improve the life of the cow. Here at Waterman's Country Supplies we have put together an easy guide to discovering the warning signs of mastitis in cows and the best methods typically used to prevent it from occurring.
What Is Mastitis?
Matitis is the inflammation of the mammory glad and udder tissue. Typically caused by a reaction from a bacterial infection in the teat canal, mastitis can cause damage to the udder through bacterial toxins and in some cases even cause permanent damage to the udder. The disease is typically caused through the contamination of milking equipment and bacteria that has come into contact from other surfaces such as hands and bedding.
Why Is It So Important To Prevent?
In many reported cases where mastitis has not been prevented or gone untreated for a long period of time the disease can effect the entire herd and cause contamination to the milk supply. As well as causing pain to the cow, mastitis is also one of the key areas where dairy farmers experience losses through having to throw gallons of milk away, extra veterinary bills and a reduction in the number of working cattle.
How To Prevent Mastitis
There are many ways in which mastitis can be prevented amongst cattle and these usually involve making sure that hygiene levels are high. There are several different products on the market that help with this.
Dip Cups:
To protect against infections from machinery, dip cups are the easy way to apply an antibacterial formula to the cows teat. Simply place the teat in the cup and squeeze until the liquid has covered the teat. These are also available with a foaming action to help the formula cling to the teat for longer.
Detecting Mastitis
When there is a suspicion of an infection in the mammary glad it always best to get it checked out as soon as possible. Sometime vets are not always available so in order to keep on top of the condition there are many detectors on the market that you can use yourself to locate the infection.
Make sure that you contact a vet if you have any concerns about mastitis within your diary herd.